Saturday, March 4, 2017

Consumer Critique: INVIA Brain-Boosting Supplement

I was recently asked to review INVIA, scientifically shown to increase mental energy, focus, and concentration. My favorite part - the 30-day money-back guarantee if it doesn't work for you. I think when you're looking at supplement options, that's always a really good thing to look for - a company that backs up its claim with a guarantee.

The company's own promo can explain it much more than I can.

The question is, does it work? That, I don't know. I'm only a single person, and while I did have more focus, the statistician in me knows that I'm a small sample size, and that the placebo effect can make a difference. However, the ingredients have been carefully chosen to have a strong effect on mental performance - small amounts of caffeine to block fatigue, Vitamin E for its protective antioxidant effect, choline, cytodine, and ornithine. Try it out for yourself - with the guarantee, you have nothing to lose!

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