
Friday, February 22, 2019

Book Nook: The Ultimate Manual

Listening to what others think we should do in life instead of following our calling can lead to regret, frustration and resentment. Beginning this New Year, break the cycle by deciding now to live a life of intention!

Founder and former CEO of Pinnacle of Indiana, Craig C. Sroda has made it easy for anyone wanting to lead a more fulfilling life. His new book (which I got to review), The Ultimate Manual, takes readers on a journey of discovery and provides insight into the key areas they can develop to help them stay on track and accomplish their goals. 

It's a long book, but easy to get through. There are over 200 pages of exercises and tips, and much of the book is what readers themselves create, which means that it is targeted and personalized for every reader.

The Ultimate Manual guides readers on a journey of discovery that will provide insight into the following areas:

•    Strengths
•    Emotional Intelligence
•    Love Languages
•    Turning Points
•    Life Wheel Evaluation
•    Time Usage
•    Core Values
•    Legacy Thinking, and more

Once readers work through the exercises, they'll have a unique, one-page life plan — a dashboard of sorts to keep front and center that will help them stay on track and accomplish their goals. 

Author Craig Sroda's mission is to guide people toward ways that work for them to live their lives intentionally. His goal is to influence 100,000 people to create a life plan by 2022. With the ripple effect, those 100,000 people will influence one million through their five domains of life: personal, family, vocation, community and faith.

Sroda co-founded and served as CEO of Pinnacle of Indiana — one of Indiana's largest Microsoft partners — for 18 years. His passion is helping individuals operate in their "sweet spot”— a place where their passion and strengths intersect so they can maximize their potential. Sroda's previous books include You in the Sweet Spot and Intentional Living and Leadership. After completing his first life plan and exposing priorities of his faith, his wife, three daughters and wanting to help others live on purpose, he sold his company. He is committed to helping others recognize their natural strengths and know their "why.” 

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