
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Healthy Habits: 3 Ways Saltwater Pools Are Better for Your Health

Chlorine is a hazardous chemical to store and handle. This might be one of the reasons you’re considering a saltwater pool. Once only found in luxury hotels, these pools are proliferating in backyards all across the United States.

The difference between saltwater and chlorine pools

The main difference is how the pool is established and cleaned established. While chlorine pools are constantly treated with chemical tablets or sticks, saltwater pools produce chlorine themselves at a more moderate pace. Through this process, saltwater pools are consistently sanitized with salt through electrolysis.

Did you know that the health benefits of saltwater have been known for thousands of years—since ancient Greece and Rome? Hippocrates actually invented the term “thalassotherapy.”

Here’s what you should know about the benefits of swimming in saltwater pools this summer.
Chlorine can have negative effects on your health, such as dry eyes, dry skin and rashes. Saltwater has fewer chemicals and isn’t bad for your body.

Some of the many health benefits of saltwater include:
  • Cleansing and moisturizing skin
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Relaxing muscle
  • Relieving pain
  • Stimulating circulation

Saltwater is gentler on your eyes

Generally, the chlorine levels in saltwater are lower than in regular pools. So, if you think you may be sensitive to chlorine, you’ll probably experience less exposed to skin or eye irritation. Research shows that saltwater pools may be safer for your eyes than regular ones. This is especially important with families with young children who are more likely to swim underwater with their eyes open. Many parents know the pain of trying to get eye drops in a child’s eyes after a long spell playing the pool. Saltwater drastically reduces these difficult times.

Swimming in saltwater improves your skin

Some believe that the ocean can cure anything, but it may be more than just a myth. Salt is a catalyst; it relaxes and detoxifies your body and helps the skin’s barrier function. In fact, bathing in saltwater lessens inflammation and sterilizes your skin.

However, when your fingers wrinkle that means you may have stayed too long in the water and dried out your skin. So just make sure you apply a moisturizing cream when you leave the pool, and you’ll be good as new.

Saltwater calms the nervous and immune systems

The detoxifying and calming effects of saltwater can benefit the nervous, immune and lymphatic systems. Also, salt is considered in Chinese medicine to be grounding. Salt is also antimicrobial, so it can block any unwanted germs from entering your body and ruining your summer. This is thanks to a process called osmosis, which helps liquids leave your cells—including bacteria, according to Science Focus.

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