
Saturday, June 6, 2020

Caring Causes:

Father’s Day is right around the corner, and this year is making it extra special by supporting our front line workers. is the brainchild of father/son duo Derek and nine- year old Zakariyus Ford and features unique greeting cards for different holidays and special events for only $4.99!!

"These cards will help the economy.  I want to use these cards to raise money and work with small businesses in America to deliver this PPE equipment to front line workers. Derek Ford- Owner HahaCards.Net

Taking note of everything going on with COVID-19, nine-year-old Zakariyus knew he wanted to help. He had previously done a unit in school that was related to helping others and he was excited to do something about the current situation. Obviously, there was a bit of hesitation from Derek because, besides practicing  social distancing, what difference could they really make? After seeing numerous news stations, governors, and health professionals pleading for PPE gear, they knew what to do! With Zakariyus having a knack for drawing and doodling, they finalized their plan.

Minus fees and taxes, Derek and Zakariyus, are prepared to use all the profits from sales to get PPE equipment and donate it to front line workers in hospitals, nursing homes, and more!

They are currently taking bulk and individual orders via the website, so let’s make this Father’s Day count by helping our heroic front line workers out with the gear that they need, while getting Dad a unique Father’s Day card!  

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