
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Book Nook: The Glitterbomb - A Covd-19 Story for Toddlers

 After lockdown forced Louise Ryder out of her job managing an international touring show, she found herself dealing with an unexpected dilemma – explaining the pandemic to her three year-old niece (who thought she was sick and that the world was avoiding her…).


Ryder knew the world’s children had questions and demanded answers, she responded by creating her new book, ‘The Glitterbomb’.


Using the metaphor of a world covered in glitter, Ryder shares not only the story of the pandemic itself, but those of children around the world forced into lockdown. Boris Johnson even makes an appearance!




The Glitterbomb is a rhyming story about a world that becomes COVERED in glitter. When people breathe it in, they get sick and when the Prime Minister gets covered… well, that’s the final straw! Everybody must stay home whilst the streets are hoovered, mopped and cleaned. This story was born during the coronavirus crisis of 2020. Glitter provided the perfect non-threatening metaphor to help the little ones understand what on earth was going on. The book also acts as a time-capsule and includes stories from the children who experienced lockdown. Reading in 2020 will be a different experience to reading in the future, but whenever you are… it is sure to provide you with a little comfort and a lot of entertainment!


“My poor niece was left flustered and confused, and we had to work hard to explain that the pandemic was a global problem, affecting people everywhere,” explains the author. “I knew she couldn’t be alone in her innocent assumptions, so decided to channel my creativity into a book for children around the world. Since she was the inspiration, I decided to feature my niece and our family (including the cat!) in the book, as some of the main characters.”


Continuing, “The second part of the book is particularly special; sharing “lockdown stories” from children around the world. I also include space for my young readers to record their own memories of this unique time, and hope it serves as a time capsule of sorts, so they can one day look back and see just how strong and brave they were.”

Reviews have been extremely positive. T. George writes, “Received my books the other day and am so happy with them. Is a great story to read with your younger children about the coronavirus and the illustrations are So child friendly. I would highly recommend this book for either young children now or just as something to keep with the hope that one day we will be able to say “do you remember when?” And we can get the book out and show our children or grandchildren.”


Debra Cahill adds, “I bought this to support Louise initially, as she is a friend of a friend, plus, it seemed a great idea. However, since receiving it, I can't wait to give it to my grandson, his 1st birthday was March 23rd 2020, the day lockdown actually happened! He won't have any recollection of it, so this truly beautiful book will explain it all so well. Congratulations Louise.”


The Glitterbomb: A Covid-19 story for toddlers’ is available now.


Book’s official website:



About the Author:


After a successful 10-year career in the entertainment industry, Louise was unceremoniously kicked out of her job by the coronavirus. Like most people, she spent the first week (month) or so sitting on the couch trying not to throw things at the TV during the daily briefing... but that got boring pretty quickly.

She wrote 'The Glitterbomb' to fill the time, with no expectation that it would turn out to be such a gorgeous book! She has been happily surprised by the whole process and hopes that if you're reading this, you're also reading The Glitterbomb and sharing it with those you love.

She would love for you to buy the book and then find her on instagram @louiseryder to share what you think!

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