
Friday, October 23, 2020

Healthy Habits: Self-Care for Busy Moms During The Pandemic

 The ongoing pandemic has everyone working harder than usual. Millions of people are now working from home, and millions of kids are adapting to remote learning, but these people are not changing alone. Some people might think that being a mom would be easier right now, but many moms are busier than ever. As mom’s to-do lists continue to grow, after weeks of lockdown, many moms are stressed, tired, and far too busy with no end in sight. We might forget to practice self-care during these stressful and uncertain times as we try to get everything else done and take care of the people around us. Moms often have to wear too many hats and juggle too many things that self-care is often neglected. Some moms might think they don’t have the time to stop and practice self-care, but self-care doesn’t need to take up a lot of time. Here are a few ways moms, or anyone, can practice self-care during the pandemic without unnecessarily eating up hours in the day. Self-care covers a wide range of activities and ideas. Sadly, some people see self-care as selfish, but that could not be further from the truth. Self-care is critical to maintaining your physical and mental health with different activities targeting different areas of care.

Physical Health With Self-Care

Taking care of your body and overall physical health is an essential part of self-care. You do not need to go to the gym or workout for hours a day to stay in good health. A quick walk around the block after dinner or 10 minutes of stretching after sitting all day will go a long way towards keeping you healthy. Physical care also includes taking care of your skin, hair, nails, and all other parts of your body. Instead of taking a quick shower, indulge with a bath bomb and a quiet moment to yourself in the tub. Take the time to wash your face, break out the hair dye to redo your color, paint your nails, anything that brings you a spark of joy, even if it’s just for a moment. These short breaks to take care of your bodies are helpful for both your physical health and your mental health. Even taking a moment to stop and focus on breathing to lower your heart rate and blood pressure can help you navigate each day and each tomorrow.

Mental health With Self-Care

Many people discount mental health, but it is a part of your health you must care for and work on like any other part. Taking care of your mental health is less about working out and more about giving your brain a rest. Everyone is under more stress than normal right now as we navigate uncertain and unprecedented issues, which is bound to take a toll on your mental health.

Mental health self-care looks different for everyone, and what works for one person might not work for you, so it is important you find your brand of mental health self-care. One of the most common ways people take a break for their mental health is unplugging from social media for a bit. Taking a few hours break from checking your timeline can make a difference in your mood and outlook. It is important to stay informed about current events, but not to the point of obsession or hurting your daily wellbeing. Set a timer to set your phone down and close the Internet so that you can decompress.

Writing things in a journal at the end of the day can be an excellent way to empty your head, so to speak, and let the worries of the day wash away. Meditation, breathing exercises, or listening to calming music can also help you unwind. Put on an uplifting movie to watch with dinner or have a private dance party at home; it doesn’t matter how silly an activity looks; if it helps your mental health, it is worth it.

Everyone is busy right now, but moms have more on their plate than most. Between taking care of kids, the household, and current events, busy moms need breaks in the day to practice self-care. Talk a walk around the block, stretch for 10 minutes, or just stop to breathe for a moment to improve your physical health. Use what works best for you regarding mental health self-care, whether that is a long bubble bath, meditating, or a solo dance party. Take the breaks you need to practice self-care to continue wearing many hats and keeping your family going.

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