
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Book Nook: The Soul of Purpose

Jaya Jaya Myra, former immunologist turned mind-body wellness expert, bestselling author and TEDx Speaker, highlights the connection between purpose, spirituality and health in her new book “The Soul of Purpose”.

In the book, Jaya Jaya Myra explains the modern day science and spiritual science behind why purpose is the soul of health and wellness, and is foundational to psychological temperament, your unique talents, and even is what creates your physical body type, shape and structure.

Want to meditate or cultivate a mindfulness practice? This book shows you how, and why people tend to struggle. Want to take your mental, emotional physical health to the next level? You’ll create a bespoke wellness plan tailored to your unique temperament and buddy type. Want to heal from a chronic or debilitating condition? Jaya Jaya Myra wrote this as a guide for others after recovering completely naturally from fibromyalgia when Allopathic medicine failed. Jaya Jaya Myra’s message is a perfect blend of spirituality, science and inspiration to motivate people to create meaningful and healthy lives. The WELL Method she created shows people how to create an ethos for healthy mindset and emotional health as a platform for facilitating better physical health and a vibrant, happy life.

I had a chance to interview her to learn more.

Why did you write this book?
I wrote this book to dive deep into the profound connections between spirituality purpose and health. So many people only think about physical health as a physical body thing, but mind body wellness plays a very important part in physical health - and this is all backed by science and modern medicine.

Why is having purpose such a big factor in health?
Purpose boosts the immune system, helps regulate hormones, reduces stress, improves heart health and so much more. It has even been correlated with increased lifespan! People who live a purpose driven life not only are happier, they have better health outcomes.

How does spirituality give us a sense of purpose, regardless of faith background?
It's your purpose that has created everything about you, including your unique physical body type and talents and gifts. The body is quite literally a reflection of what you were born to do, and everything about you is here to support you in your purpose for living.

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