
Monday, April 26, 2021

Website Spotlight: Active Kids 2.0

 One of the most common struggles amongst parents, especially throughout the last year, has been keeping their children active. With gyms and schools closed or restricted, parents find themselves scrambling to prevent their children from turning into couch potatoes. Active Kids 2.0, a virtual on-demand physical education program, is the perfect way to get kids moving in a safe way. Larissa Maloney, founder of Active Kids 2.0, utilized her fifteen years of experience as an educator and coach to curate a phenomenal virtual fitness and wellness platform to help get  kids active and off the couch and off their gaming devices.


Maloney has been passionate about fitness, wellness and sports, particularly volleyball, basketball and track, for just about her entire life. She attended Lynn University on a volleyball scholarship and even went on to play professional beach volleyball. After retiring, she decided to share her talent and passion and now teaches physical education at Father Lopez Catholic High School and serves as the high school’s volleyball coach.


When Covid-19 hit and was declared a global pandemic in March 2020, Maloney was presented with the challenge of how to teach fitness classes outside of the school gym or field. Understanding the importance of physical education she discovered creative and innovative ways to get her students active even through a screen. She began live streaming at home workouts out of her Central Florida garage where her videos quickly gained popularity. Maloney also started a podcast that she uses as a platform to mentor and inspire young female athletes around the world.


“Even as things start to open up, Active Kids 2.0 will be a staple in the family household”, states Maloney, “not only to create healthy habits, but to create a family tradition of maintaining thriving, happy and healthy homes all around the world."


Inspired by her work with her students and children, Maloney started Active Kids 2.0, a rapidly growing virtual fitness platform used by both parents and children every single day. With a myriad of courses such as gymnastics, boxing, ballet, hip-hop dance, cheer, karate, cardio, strength, and yoga, there is a perfect “workout”  every family. Classes run between twenty to thirty minutes long and offered throughout the day leaving plenty of flexibility for parents with even the busiest schedules. This platform is also a wonderful option as physical education classes for homeschooled children or those who opted for online learning due to the pandemic.


Active Kids 2.0 carefully ensures their classes appeal to children of all ages and even offer toddler time for the little ones. Parents are also encouraged to participate in classes with their children, which helps their engagement and makes for good exercise habits.  Maloney’s team of experts lead all the class sessions – all which promise to be engaging, inclusive, and fun. They also provide a way for children to socialize and interact with one another from the safety of their own home. Socialization, much like physical activity, is crucial for development – these classes allow students to have a fun, socially distant experience while achieving their physical fitness goals.

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