
Monday, June 21, 2021

Enriching Education: Pollinator Week


Help Celebrate National Pollinator Week June 21 – 27 


Pollinator Week is an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health. 


So, what exactly are pollinators? Birds, bats, bees, butterflies, beetles, and other small mammals that pollinate plants are responsible for bringing us one out of every three bites of food. They also sustain our ecosystems and produce our natural resources by helping plants reproduce.


If you enjoy coffee, chocolate, apples, almonds, and many other foods that are part of our daily lives, you may be surprised to learn that without pollinators they might no longer exist. About 35 percent of the world’s food crops are the result of pollinating species, an essential component in global food production.


Learning about the importance and benefits of pollinators on the world’s food supply is the idea behind the 4-H Pollinator Habitat Program. The three-year program aims to teach 30,000 youth nationwide about the importance of pollinators and pollinator habitats, while encouraging the establishment of quality pollinator habitats at 22 sites across the country.


The program features a “Teens as Teachers” approach which is a true win-win for kids. The young people learn skills from teen ambassadors they look up to while 4-H teens develop their leadership skills through teaching.


The great thing about Pollinator Week is that you can celebrate and get involved any way you like! Kids can take part in craft activities by making their own ants from clothes pins and pipe cleaners, or designing a butterfly using a coffee filter and food dye, among many other ideas found on the 4-H website


In this interview, 4-H teen ambassador Grace Moeller from Minnesota will join Rancher & 4-H Mom Natalie Kovarik to discuss the 4-H Pollinator Habitat Program, how kids can get involved during National Pollinator Week, and the importance of the program for the future of U.S. agriculture and the global food supply.


Interview is courtesy:  National 4-H Council & Corteva AgriScience

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