
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Healthy Habits: What is Sleep Hygiene and Why Is it Important?

If you’ve been trying to get to sleep at night and have been having a hard time doing so, it may be a good idea to incorporate some good sleep hygiene. But what is sleep hygiene and why is it so important? In this article and accompanying infographic by SleePare, we will not only explain sleep hygiene but will also explain why it is important and how to institute it into your life.

What is Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep Hygiene is the habits that you do to prepare your mind and body for sleep. Sleep hygiene is not only the practices that you do but also the environment in which you sleep. Sleep hygiene can mean decreasing distractions in your room or can mean stopping looking at your phone in the bed. It really depends on what works best for you.

Why Sleep Hygiene is Important

Sleep hygiene is important because it allows you to get to sleep faster and achieve more quality sleep at night. Many of the behavioral changes that you can institute have added benefits that extend beyond sleep. But for most people, the increase in restful quality sleep is the benefit that they find most rewarding and is why they continue to utilize the habits.

What Habits Contribute to Good Sleep Hygiene

There are a number of habits that can contribute to good sleep hygiene. One habit that really helps people to get better sleep at night is turning off their electronics or putting them away. Electronics emit blue light and blue light has been scientifically proven to reduce restful sleep as well as delay sleep. 

If for some reason you can’t put your electronics away at night, one thing you can do is to install a blue light eliminating filter on your electronics. You might not even have to install anything as most modern electronics frequently have this option already available in the settings section. If you aren’t sure how to do it a quick Google search should help you find out how to turn it on.

Other good sleep habits that you can incorporate into your life are outlined in the sleep hygiene infographic below. You may not see any discernable difference right away so give it a week or two before deciding these habits don’t work for you. 

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