
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Healthy Habits - Detoxification: Why Clean & Green Matters


Exposure to many environmental pollutants has been linked to conditions from “autism to Alzheimer's and everything in between,” says Thomas, who traces his background in integrative therapies and research science to his youth growing up in his parents’ animal veterinary practice in southwest Washington.


“The initial literature was studied and published on this back in the 1950s, and a great paper was published in 1970 talking about how mercury toxicity alone is the primary culprit in virtually every chronic degenerative disease,” he says. 


Our bodies bioaccumulate these compounds from the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat, compounding their effects and leading to many forms of illness.


“It's a lot like someone that's just been building up trash in their house continually for years and has never taken out the garbage,” Thomas says. “The majority of us have not taken any approaches to systematically remove these toxins.”


Dr. Christina Rahm, MS, PhD, EdD, Chairman of the Board and Chief Science and Development Officer for The Root Brand® of products, developed formulas to help people detox, strengthen the gut, and improve mental focus. The company’s top products include Clean Slate, drops to be taken in the morning and evening to help the body rid itself of environmental pollutants. All are non-GMO, organic, vegan, and gluten-free.


“She’s created a passive patented proprietary mechanism that acts like a little green garbage truck to grab onto a lot of these toxins and help to flush them out while also assisting your body's natural methods of flushing out these toxins. This process detoxifies your kidneys, your liver, and your GI, allowing your body to start working properly,” Thomas says.

I had a chance to learn more in this interview.

What is detoxification?  
Detoxification is a broad term.  Simply applied to human health it is the process through which the body eliminates different toxins. This can be through sweat, breathing, urine, stool, bleeding.  This process is done through primary detoxification pathways of the body much of which is processed through the kidneys, liver and lymph.  The body is not capable of handing the environmental burden/body burden of our current situation so it needs help.

Why can it be beneficial?     
Detoxification is not beneficial.  It is imperative.  The cause of virtually every single chronic degenerative disease and other issues like cancer are primarily caused by the environmental toxins that our body cannot remove.  Your health, performance, the well-being mental, spiritual and psychological health are all directly disrupted and impacted by these toxins that your body cannot naturally eliminate.

How can people work to avoid harmful ingredients?  
Avoidance anymore is very difficult and nearly impossible as our environment is so polluted You cannot avoid exposure of everything on a daily basis.  You can get whole home water filtration systems and air filtration systems to assist in cleaning your air and water but the most important things you can do are assisting your body in removing the toxic cesspool that has built up in you since being in the womb and work every day to continually clean out the body little by little and feeding your body the good things it needs to support the detoxication and regeneration process.  

Clayton Thomas is co-founder of ROOT Wellness, a social sharing community focused on foundations of wellness; host of The Green Edition health and wellness show; and founder of The ROOT Brands®. His 25 years of health and wellness experience includes developing business models of analytical testing in medical practices to improve the quality of care by identifying risks of the big three diseases: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. The ROOT Brands produces products that are non-GMO, organic, vegan, gluten-free, and safe for everyone, including children and professional athletes, to help people detoxify, strengthen the gut, and focus the mind. Learn more at


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