
Thursday, September 7, 2023

Money Makers - MyPerfectResume Survey Highlights Cost of Inflexible Work Hours

 MyPerfectResume (MPR), a leading resource for resume advice, surveyed 1,500 U.S.-based workers in July 2023 around a variety of topics related to preferred working hours and work outcomes. MyPerfectResume’s Preferred Work Hours Survey found that 45 percent prefer to work hours that are outside the standard 9am-5pm workday. Additionally, 94 percent are currently working outside their preferred work hours. Their inflexible work schedules are negatively impacting their job satisfaction (81 percent), causing their job performance to suffer (77 percent), and decreasing their productivity (65 percent). 

In addition to the negative impact on their work outcomes, 83 percent experience negative consequences to their physical and mental health as a result of working outside their preferred work hours. Specifically, workers cited mood swings (38 percent), strained personal relationships (32 percent), and difficulty sleeping (31 percent). 

Not surprisingly, 88 percent say that having flexible work hours is important to them in assessing overall job satisfaction.

"It's clear that being able to work during one’s preferred hours has a strong impact on career satisfaction and overall employee well-being”, said Kellie Hanna, Career Expert at MyPerfectResume. "From job performance and productivity to workers' health and wellness, the survey findings demonstrate the critical role that job flexibility plays in supporting better work-life balance and creating stronger workforces," Hanna added. 

The report below further details the negative impact working outside preferred hours is having on key business metrics, the consequences to workers’ health, coping strategies workers employ to combat these consequences, and what workers would be willing to sacrifice to work their preferred hours. 

Preferred Working Hours

45 percent have preferred working hours that are outside the standard 9am-5pm workday, including:

  • Starting early in the morning, ending early afternoon - 24%
  • Starting later in the morning, ending later in the evening - 17%
  • Working in the morning, taking a break, and finishing in the evening - 4%

The remaining 55% say that standard working hours (9am-5pm) suit them best.

The Business Costs to Working Outside Preferred Hours:

  • 81% say working outside preferred hours has a negative impact on their job satisfaction
    • 42% claim it has a moderately negative impact on their job satisfaction
    • 39% say it has a significantly negative impact on their job satisfaction. 
  • 77% say their job performance suffers when they’re forced to work outside their preferred hours
    • 47% report that their job performance suffers 
    • 30% report that it suffers significantly
  • 65% say working outside preferred hours damages their productivity 
    • 42% report that their productivity is lower 
    • 23% say their productivity is much lower

The Health Costs of Working Outside Preferred Hours

83% experience health consequences from working outside their preferred hours, citing:

  • Mood swings or irritability - 38%
  • Physical health issues (e.g., headaches) - 37%
  • Increased fatigue or tiredness - 33%
  • Strained personal relationships or social life - 32%
  • Difficulty sleeping or disrupted sleep patterns - 31%

Only 17% don't experience any specific consequences.


Top Coping Strategies for Working Outside Preferred Hours

When asked what coping strategies they use to deal with working outside their preferred hours, respondents cited:

  • Taking short naps or breaks during work hours - 45%
  • Adjusting my sleep schedule on non-working days - 44%
  • Engaging in stress management techniques (e.g., exercise, meditation) - 43%
  • Consuming caffeine or energy drinks - 42%
  • Seeking flexibility in my work schedule whenever possible - 39%

18% haven't found effective coping strategies.

Sacrifices to Work Preferred Hours

88 percent are willing to make sacrifices (e.g., accepting lower pay, rejecting promotion, etc.) to work during their preferred hours, with 44 percent of those willing to make significant sacrifices.

When asked to choose between working according to preferred hours and other key markers of job satisfaction, preferred hours were valued more highly. People would rather be able to work their preferred hours over getting promotion or unlimited PTO. 

  • Working according to your preferred hours (73%) vs Unlimited PTO (27%)
  • Working according to your preferred hours (55%) vs Promotion (45%)
  • Working according to your preferred hours (50%) vs Job security (50%)

Most Productive Working Hours Findings

  • More than one-third (34%) say they are most productive in the early morning before 9am
  • More than two-thirds (65%) are most productive before noon
  • Only 15% are most productive after 3pm 

Respondents identified these times as being most productive and focused. 

  • Early morning (6am to 9am) - 34%
  • Late morning (9am to noon)  - 31%
  • Mid afternoon (noon to 3pm) - 20%
  • Late Afternoon (4pm to 6pm) - 9%
  • Evening (6pm to 9pm) - 5%
  • Night (9pm to 12am) - 1%

To view the full report with more information, please visit or contact Martyna Szcześniak at

These findings were obtained by surveying 1,500 U.S. respondents online via a bespoke polling tool on July 16, 2023. Respondents were asked a variety of questions around the topic of preferred working hours and productivity. These included yes/no questions, scale-based questions relating to levels of agreement with a statement, questions that permitted the selection of multiple options from a list of potential answers, and a question that allowed open responses. All respondents included in the study passed an attention-check question.


About MyPerfectResume

MyPerfectResume is the leading resource for resume advice and expert customer care to help professionals elevate their career with the perfect resume. Created to take the hassle out of resume-writing, the user-friendly program offers professionally crafted templates, expert tips, step-by-step guidance, and valuable career advice to effortlessly create an outstanding resume, CV, and cover letter. Since 2013, MyPerfectResume has helped more than 15 million job seekers create their perfect resumes and has been featured in ForbesYahoo! Finance, and more. Stay connected with MyPerfectResume’s latest updates on FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter.

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