
Friday, September 8, 2023

Smart Safety - Home Safety Check Data

As kids go back to school and families fall into a busy routine, the Fall season serves as a reminder for many households to get crucial home maintenance checks done.

But, a new study found a majority of Americans are putting the safety and security of their homes and families at risk. 

The study found over half (52%) of Americans haven’t done any vital home safety maintenance checks in 2023. In fact, 29% of homeowners admit to never conducting any home maintenance checks. The top 5 most forgotten home maintenance/safety checks include:

  1. Checking smoke detectors
  2. Checking pipes
  3. Checking your roof
  4. Changing air filters
  5. Checking for mold

A working smoke detector can save lives, and in some cases, even save a home. However, 39% of Americans have unplugged their smoke detectors at some point... and 18% have forgotten to plug them back in.

Home maintenance isn’t just a matter of safety; it’s also a financial consideration. Financial constraints prevent 40% of households from getting necessary home repairs. Americans are spending an average of $853 annually for routine home maintenance.

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