
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Amazing Art - Starting to Quilt

 Starting to quilt can be both exciting and a bit daunting for beginners. 

With the right approach and tools, anyone can start creating beautiful quilts that will be cherished for years. 

Here's Master Quilter Corey Pearson’s advice on the essential steps and tips for those ready to dive into the world of quilting, making the process as enjoyable and rewarding as possible:

“To get started with quilting, begin by selecting a quilt top pattern that you're excited about, ideally one that works well with pre-cut materials like Jelly Rolls or Layer Cakes; the BasiX template is a fantastic starting point. Remember, your first quilt doesn't need to be huge—something around 48” x 49” is perfect for beginners,” he says.

Another aspect of quilting is the tools that are needed.

“Invest in a ¼” foot for your sewing machine since most quilt piecing patterns require a ¼” seam allowance, and this foot will help keep your fabric aligned. Also, acquire a rotary cutter, ruler, and cutting mat; these tools are essential for accurately cutting your fabric.”

There are also resources available that people can use.

“Consider making a Design Wall to assist in arranging your pieces; a simple one can be made with flannel from a local fabric store, saving you money while boosting your creativity. Look up instructional videos, like one I have on using the BasiX template, to guide you through the process of creating your first quilt top. Above all, don't stress—quilting is about enjoyment and expression, so have fun with it!”

I had a chance to learn more in this interview.

Why can it be intimidating to start a quilting project?

Starting a quilting project can feel like standing at the base of a mountain, looking up at all the work you have to accomplish to get to the top. It's not just about sewing pieces of fabric together; it's about choosing the right patterns, colors, and techniques, not to mention the precision and patience required. The vast array of choices and the fear of making a mistake can make it quite intimidating. However, it’s important to note that quilting does not have to be hard or stressful. There are tons of kits and tutorials you can get that really make the process easier and even peaceful. 

If you have a quilt that doesn’t “turn out well”, it can always be donated to a great cause, so you won’t feel like you’re throwing away your time or energy. 

What are some ways that people can start with a smaller project to see if quilting is for them?

Smaller projects like placemats, table runners, or even a simple patchwork pillow can be perfect starters. They require less time and material, giving you a taste of quilting without the overwhelming commitment. Baby blankets are also a great way to test quilting without committing to a full size blanket. 

What are some common mistakes beginners often make and how can they be avoided?

A common hiccup for beginners is biting off more than they can chew with complex patterns, which can lead you to feeling frustrated and burnt out. Simple is best for beginners. Simple quilts teach you the fundamentals and the “why” and “how” certain processes work.

Another common mistake is not paying enough attention to cutting and piecing accuracy, which can throw off the whole project. It's like trying to assemble a puzzle with pieces that don't quite fit. Avoid these pitfalls by starting simple, taking your time, and double-checking measurements. Remember, quilting is more of a marathon than a sprint.

Where can people go for more resources on beginning quilting projects?

Local fabric stores often offer classes tailored to beginners, providing a great way to learn in a supportive environment. Online you can find countless tutorials, forums, and video lessons on platforms like YouTube or TikTok. And don't overlook the power of social media groups and quilting blogs, where you can find advice, inspiration, and a community of people who can offer insight and tips. 

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