
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Book Nook - It's a Tug Life!

 Do you ever wonder what it would be like to have a furry companion in the household? Are you considering adding a pup to your family but couldn't quite decide if it was worth the time and effort? The truth is that bringing a dog into your home offers several emotional and physical benefits for everyone involved.


Laura Utterback is the best-selling author of “It’s a Tug Life!” which is an enchanting tale that teaches children about the power of family and the bonds that connect us to our loved ones.


The book speaks to everyone who has felt the warmth, happiness, and love of being surrounded by family and friends.


Writing this book has been nothing short of a labor of true love for Laura and a testament to how Tug has impacted her life and the lives of all who encountered him.

I had a chance to interview Laura to learn more.

Why did you write this book?

It’s a Tug Life! was borne our of my immense love of Tug and my desire to share my sweet and wonderful boy with the world.  The writing and development of this book has been nothing short of a labor of true love and a testament to how Tug has positively impacted our lives and the lives of all who have had the pleasure of encountering him.

What are some ways that having a pet can increase family bonds?

Family is extremely important to me and Tug is unequivocally part of the family.  What is interesting and remarkable is that each member of the family has their own unique relationship with Tug.  I feel that each family member’s own unique bond and love for Tug helps bind the family in that he becomes in a sense a center stone for the family with whom everyone relates - like a positively love based familial common denominator.

Why is it so important for families to intentionally foster relationships with each other?

I strongly feel that the internal family bond is critical to who you are.  I refer to my family as my “village” because life takes one to succeed.  Once you have the internal strength of familial love and support, you are then equipped to take on the external world.   In other words, family is to be your core, your safe zone, and your happy place, such that  no matter what cards life deals you, you know that you are loved and supported by your family.

Why is it important to embrace the present?

Great question!  It is so very important to live in the here and now and to live it in real time.  By that I mean, and especially if you put it in the context of dog years, we have precious little time here on earth and we need to relish in the actual living moment.  Some people say, ‘take time to smell the roses’; I say, ‘take time to pet the dog’.

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