
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Caring Causes - Northwest Battle Buddies


Recent statistics show that as of 2024, 66% of U.S. households (86.9 million homes) own a pet. They provide unconditional love, companionship, and more. 

Some dogs do even more. Specially trained service dogs from Northwest Battle Buddies (NWBB) help Veterans live the life they deserve. 

Battle Buddies enrich their partners’ connections to others. Here is what NWBB Veteran Ryan has to say about his Battle Buddy dog Twitch: 

“After serving two tours in Iraq, I had all the signs of a Veteran in distress. I was socially withdrawn, chronically anxious, and had little hope for my future. NWBB changed everything. My service dog helped me improve my marriage, find better jobs, and even buy a house. Dreams I thought were unattainable started coming true...I was finally happy and comfortable.”

22 Veterans a day, over 8,000 a year, commit suicide on American soil.  The 212+ NWBB dogs that serve as companions for Veterans have been lifelines to these American heroes, and we can proudly say that every pairing is a success.

Veterans facing the challenges of PTSD find solace and support in their remarkable canine companions, known as Battle Buddies. These extraordinary dogs are paired with Veterans coping with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression, providing invaluable assistance in their journey towards healing and resilience. From accompanying them on routine errands to enjoying leisure activities, these faithful companions enable Veterans to engage in everyday experiences that may otherwise seem daunting. With over five months of training, NWBB dogs can do so much for their partners, including waking their Veteran from nightmares, interrupting anxiety attacks, redirecting flashbacks, alerting on adrenaline, providing a social barrier in public, performing pressure therapy, and providing a constant feeling of safety.

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