
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Fun Freetime - Emoji Survey

 A picture is worth a thousand words…even if that “picture” is as simple as an emoji it seems.

What do all of these 💅💨🙃 mean? 

new survey by Preply sets out to answer just that question. We found the most confusing emojis of 2024, and how their meanings vary across regions and generations. Take a look:

  • 🐦🔥The Phoenix emoji is the most confusing out of those being released in 2024
  • The most rebelled-against emoji is the persevering face 😣  (only 5% use it as intended) 
  • 48% have seen a misinterpreted emoji create an uncomfortable situation
  • Those most confused by the upside-down face 🙃 live in the South. 

You can read the full report here.

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