
Friday, June 21, 2024

Caring Connections - Money and Relationships

 16% of Americans say they’d divorce their spouse if spending and money was an issue and another 65% say that their partner having too much debt is a definite dealbreaker for marriage. I had a chance to interview Jessica Perrone; finance expert, mom of three, and founder of HerFinancialIQ, who shares proven strategies for relationship harmony.

Money plays a significant role in relationships, and it's essential to align financial habits and attitudes for a harmonious partnership. Creating financial harmony in a relationship requires a joint venture towards achieving shared goals.  A couple can build a stronger bond and a brighter future with the right money strategies.



  • Q. Why is money such an important issue in relationships?

Money can pose significant challenges in relationships, particularly romantic ones, for several reasons:

·         Stress and Disagreements: Financial instability or conflicting financial priorities can create immense stress in relationships. Disagreements over spending habits, saving goals, or debt management often lead to arguments and resentment.

·         Underlying Issues: Money conflicts can sometimes signal deeper problems within the relationship, such as trust issues, differing values, or communication struggles.

·         Lifestyle Impact: Money directly impacts the lifestyle a couple can afford. When one partner desires a more lavish lifestyle while the other prioritizes saving, it can lead to tension and discord.

·         Impact on Children: Financial stress can negatively affect parents' mental well-being, impacting their ability to parent effectively. Money-related arguments in front of children can contribute to a stressful home environment.

·         Planning for the Future: Couples with children must consider how financial matters will influence crucial decisions, like childcare and education costs. Being aligned financially and having a clear plan is essential for a secure future.



  • Q. How can people start a conversation about money with their partner?

Starting a conversation about money with your partner can be sensitive, but it's essential for a healthy and transparent relationship. Here are some steps you can take to initiate this discussion:


·         Start in small conversations: Begin by talking about smaller, less emotionally charged financial topics to gauge your partner's comfort level. You can discuss general money attitudes, goals, or even share personal stories about money experiences.


·         Choose an appropriate time: Money discussions can quickly become heated, so it's crucial to pick the right time to talk. Find a moment when both you and your partner are relaxed, free from distractions, and in a calm environment. By doing so, you create a better chance of having a productive conversation without unnecessary tension.


·         Talk about attitudes towards money: Explore each other's attitudes towards money. Discuss how you both value and prioritize it in your lives. Understanding your partner's perspective on financial matters helps build empathy and fosters a deeper understanding of each other's financial mindset.


·         Discuss how your parents acted towards money growing up: Exploring your respective backgrounds and how money was handled in your families of origin can provide valuable insights. It can help identify any potential biases or beliefs you and your partner may have developed regarding money management.



  • Q. Why is it important for both partners to be open and honest?

Financial secrets are one of the leading causes of deception and distrust in a relationship. When one partner keeps financial information, goals, or purchases a secret, it creates an environment of mistrust and a lack of transparency in the relationship. It damages the trust built in the relationship and can lead to various financial complications down the road. Lack of open communication about finances can add to the stress and anxiety that many people experience on a daily basis, leading to further strain on the relationship.

Thus, it is vital to establish trust and openness about finances in a relationship to create a strong foundation for the future. By being honest and transparent about financial decisions, partners can ensure that they are on the same page and working towards common goals. Open communication about finances can lead to a stronger and healthier relationship built on trust and mutual respect.


  • Q. Why are regular financial check-ins important and how can they be initiated?
    • Importance of Regular Financial Check-Ins: Regular financial check-ins enable you to track your progress towards financial goals, address any concerns, and make necessary adjustments to your financial plan. By staying informed about your financial situation, you are better equipped to handle unexpected expenses, work towards your long-term financial aspirations, and avoid potential financial disputes in the future.
    • Initiating Financial Check-Ins:  To kick off regular financial check-ins, set aside dedicated time each month to discuss your finances. Choose a comfortable setting free from distractions, and prepare an agenda that includes topics such as budget review, savings goals, debt management, and any upcoming financial decisions. Having a structured approach can help keep the conversation focused and productive.
    • Date Night - Adding Fun to Financial Check-Ins: To create a more enjoyable experience, consider incorporating elements of a date night into your financial check-ins. Prepare a special meal or order takeout to enjoy together during the discussion. You can even pick a fun and relaxing activity to follow the financial check-in, such as watching a movie, playing a board game, or going for a leisurely walk. By blending the financial discussion with an enjoyable activity, you can turn an often daunting task into a pleasant and bonding experience.

      Incorporating date night elements into your financial check-ins not only makes the process more enjoyable, but it also strengthens your connection as a couple and promotes open communication. This approach fosters a supportive environment for discussing financial matters, ensuring that you are both actively engaged in managing your family's finances.


  • Q. If partners don't see eye to eye on financial issues, how can they work towards compromise?

A.           When partners don't see eye to eye on financial issues, finding a compromise is crucial to maintain a harmonious relationship and make progress towards shared financial goals. Here are some steps they can take to work towards compromise:

o    Open Communication: The first step towards finding a compromise is to openly communicate and listen to each other's perspectives. Each partner should share their thoughts, concerns, and priorities regarding the financial issue at hand. It's essential to approach the discussion with empathy and a willingness to understand each other's viewpoints.

o    Identify Common Goals: Partners should identify shared financial goals that they both value. By focusing on common objectives, such as saving for a major purchase or planning for retirement, they can work together towards achieving mutual financial aspirations.


o    Seek Professional Advice: If needed, partners can consider seeking the guidance of a financial advisor or counselor. A neutral third party can provide an objective perspective, offer financial expertise, and help facilitate discussions towards finding a compromise that aligns with both partners' needs.


o    Create a Budget Together: Developing a budget together can help partners visualize their financial situation and make decisions based on shared priorities. By outlining income, expenses, and savings goals collaboratively, partners can find a middle ground that accommodates both their needs and preferences.


o    Prioritize and Compromise: Partners may need to prioritize their financial goals and be willing to compromise on certain issues. It's essential to recognize that both partners may need to make adjustments and concessions to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties.


o    Regular Check-Ins: Keeping the lines of communication open and having regular financial check-ins can help partners track their progress, adjust their financial plan as needed, and address any concerns that arise. By maintaining ongoing conversations about finances, partners can continue to work towards compromise and ensure that their financial decisions align with their mutual goals.

More about HerFinIQ


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