Friday, November 27, 2020

Parenting Pointers: Building a Baby's Room? Use Colors That Promote Sleep

Inevitably, when you announce that you are going to have a blessed event, people tell you one thing: Get sleep now! 

It’s a bit of a strange piece of advice, because the sleep you have before the baby arrives will not help the huge volume of sleep debt you are likely to accrue when caring for a child. What those well-meaning people might mean is -- get sleep now, while the amount of sleep you get is still mainly yours to control. 

As most parents can attest, one of the roughest parts of taking care of a young child is the associated sleep deprivation. With that in mind, one thing you might want to think about when considering the room where you intend to try to get a baby to sleep is the colors you choose for walls and furniture.

It’s no secret that different colors evoke certain emotions or moods and choosing the right ones in the baby’s bedroom can make a huge difference. In general, brightness keeps us awake, so cool pastels are better than bright colors when it comes to getting to sleep. But even within that spectrum of color there are better and worse choices to make for keeping your child slumbering more effectively. 

The color wheels below show the connection between emotion and color and allows you to make well thought out decisions based on these assertions. In addition, they offer some ideas for ways to think of decor based on the colors they most suggest. 

Some Colors NOT Recommend for the Bedroom: 

While some colors are attractive to kids that might not be what you want when sleep is the goal.

RED — this color is bound to stimulate young minds, which is a great reason to keep it out of the bedroom.

PURPLE — this color has been known to be associated with creativity and while we all want our baby to build a creative mind, we want that clever brain to be able to drift off to sleep too.

BROWN — There is a dreary association with a dark brown that can lead to feelings of isolation rather than sleep. When your child feels lonely rather than comfortable, guess who they will call out to in the middle of the night?

Colors Recommended for the Bedroom: 

It’s perhaps not coincidental that some of the most popular nursery colors are already those that make good sleeping habits. 

BLUE — the color of the ocean and the sky, there is a strength and serenity to blue shades that make them good for promoting sleep. 

LIGHT PINK — this is inherently an non-threatening color that promotes calm.

GREEN — pastel greens give off the feeling of the natural world and its beauty. 

After you’ve thought out the best colors to help your baby sleep, it’s time to get to work on your own bedroom. Sleep is just as important for parents and considering the correct colors to get you off to dreamland is crucial when you need to get rest around those 2 am feedings. Check out the infographic from Casper below that helps you choose the best colors for your bedroom based on your Zodiac sign. 

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