
Saturday, September 9, 2023

Book Nook - Lucy on the Run

 Lucy on the Run is a story for anyone interested in how eleven-year-old Lucy manages to have fun while involved with teddy bears and book tokens, nail varnish and a robbery, dodging kidnappers and managing for weeks without her mobile phone. Recommended for readers from seven to ninety-seven years of age. 



Elizabeth Lavers is a linguist and poet who has lived in many different countries with her husband Brian. He has taken her over the Andes, to Siberia in winter, and on a helicopter ride to visit an oilrig in the North Sea.

During their travels she acquired a large family, along with a large volume of work, both of which are still growing.

Elizabeth has the honour of being the official club poet of the Royal Thames Yacht Club which was formed by the Duke of Cumberland in 1775.

She has published three poetry books and three children's books, of which Lucy is the latest.


This book is published by Elizabeth Lavers in conjunction with WRITERSWORLD, and is produced entirely in the UK. It is available to order from most bookshops in the United Kingdom, and is also globally available via UK-based Internet book retailers.

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