
Monday, June 17, 2024

Book Nook - Raising Children to Thrive

Earlier this spring, I had a chance to review Dr. Ronald Ruff’s Raising Children to Thrive (July 11, 2024), an guide exploring sensitive parenting with the goal of raising emotionally healthy kids. Dr. Ruff uses his decades of experience as a psychologist treating diverse groups of parents and children to teach caregivers about the developmental needs of their kids from a scientific perspective.

The book had a lot of strong features - it incorporated research-backed information, and thorough explanations of the scientific rationale for childcare decisions. It definitely goes quite in-depth into the science at times, so readers will get more out of it if they have a general understanding of psychological vocabulary, but even those with little to know experience will still be able to gain a lot of insight from the book.

It comes with a workbook to accompany the reading. This is a really good way to help parents and guardians reflect on the way they are raising their kids, and be more intentional about the kinds of choices they'd like to make in the future. It also helps reinforce and add to the understanding of the concepts in the book itself.

About the book: New research shows that infants possess considerable social and emotional capacity to engage their parents in ways that run far deeper than ever before realized. Dr. Ruff realized that most parents did not know where to turn for information, support, and answers related to raising their children in a psychologically healthy manner. Responsive, sensitive parenting is more than just a childcare model—it is a new paradigm for parents who are ready to reimagine the nature of the parent-infant relationship, significantly boost their children’s social and emotional development, and raise their children to thrive.

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