Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Why did you start this blog?
I started it to track my own savings and earnings, and also to try to help other SAHMs who run across this site.

What are those acronyms you use?
Commonly used acronyms include:
BOGO or B1G1 - buy one get one
FAR - free after rebate
IVC - Instant Value Coupon (Walgreens)
OOP - out of pocket
OP - original price
RR - Register Rewards (Walgreens)
SAHM - stay-at-home mom
SASE - self-addressed stamped envelope
TMF - try me free
WAHM - work-at-home mom
(if you see another one, let me know and I'll add it)

Do you make any money blogging?
Not at the moment, although I do have a few potential paying projects.

Where do you get the giveaway items?
Some of them I receive from companies interested in sponsoring a giveaway. Some of them are freebies or things I've received that I feel someone else would be better able to use. Some of them are bonuses that I've gotten free with other purchases.

How can I help/support this blog?
There are four ways you can help me out:
1) Email me or leave a comment to suggest a freebie or giveaway for my readers to enter
2) Comment on posts and give feedback if something is confusing or especially helpful
3) Promote me to friends, family members, and online communities (no spamming please)
4) Explore the sidebar ads for any products you may be interested in. All ads are for things I believe are good money-savers or earners. It will help you save/earn money, while providing me a small amount of referral income.

Can you promote my blog?
There are a few blogs in my blogroll that I promote without reciprocation, if I believe they are of strong benefit. Other than that, I ask that if you want me to link to you in my sidebar, that you add my button to your page. Of course, if you submit a freebie to me, I will link back to your blog.

Got a question to suggest? Let me know!

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