Cash for Action is an email-based GPT/PTC site. You are paid for signing up for the websites they highlight in the emails. You are also paid to click on the ads for the search engines.
One thing I really like about this site is that you don't have to use your regular email address to sign up. You can use a spamtrap email address, as long as you forward them the signup confirmation. I use my spamtrap email to sign up, then forward the email to the address on the Cash for Action account, and then forward it on to them just to make sure they know which account it's coming from. It sounds complicated, but since I sign up and forward several at once, it doesn't take much time. Payments are usually around a quarter per sign up, and a penny for clicking on the search engine.
What I don't like is the grammar. The site feels spammy just because the English usage is so bad. But I haven't had issues with spam as a result from this site so far.
I also really like that there's no minimum payout. The offers repeat sometimes, so it doesn't add up to a whole lot - $5 a month or so. But I have gotten paid, so I can say that it is legit.
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