Saturday, April 25, 2009

Website Spotlight: KaBOOM!

KaBoom and MomCentral are teaming up to help find 100,000 playspaces in 100 days. Right now there are over 12,000 spaces and only 67 days left, so if you can help, head on over to the Playspace Finder to add a playspace! A playspace needs a photo and review - not hard to do if you go to the park and have a digicam!

KaBOOM! is a non-profit dedicated to helping communities build playgrounds and create safe places for kids to play. The vision is to have a playspace within walking distance of every child in America. Obviously this is tricky with vast rural areas, but it's surprising how many cities don't have good places to play. We are very lucky; in our Twin Cities first-ring suburb, I have a choice of 8 playgrounds within a mile, and even more within biking distance with my kids. But lots of cities don't have green spaces - or even places to play that are clean and safe. In 2007, they helped 877 playspaces get created. If you need a playspace in your area, check out the resources they have to help you achieve the goal.

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