Monday, December 28, 2009

Fun Freetime: Winter Activities

Here are some fun activities to do in the cold weather.

- Blow bubbles and watch them freeze.
- Tint water with food coloring. Fill spray bottles for a fun art experience.
- Make snow animals. You won't need to stack balls. (Think caterpillars, turtles, etc)
- Make a pinecone bird feeder by rolling a pinecone in peanut butter, then birdseed. Or scoop out an orange and fill with seeds.
- Use a magnifying glass to examine snowflakes.
- When it's super cold, watch water freeze in mid-air. I don't remember the exact temperature this happens, but boil water, and then throw it up in the air. Some of it will turn to steam and some will land as ice.
- Play cat and mouse. Make a series of paths with some larger circles in some spots. Everyone has to stay on the path. The cat tries to catch a mouse. The mice can hide in the large circles to be safe.

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