Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Contest: NFCC Poster Contest

“$mart Money Choices = A Brighter Future” was selected as the theme of the 2010 Poster Contest. In an effort to increase interest in financial literacy to our nation’s youth, the NFCC is sponsoring the Be Money Wi$e National Financial Literacy Poster Contest. The contest is designed to get students thinking about how to manage money efficiently and offers them a creative outlet to demonstrate their knowledge. It also provides the opportunity for local and national recognition for student artwork. All finalists will receive a t-shirt, and each national grade category winner will receive an award plaque and a $100 savings bond. In addition, the National Winner will be given an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C., with a parent or guardian and will be given official recognition in April as part of the Financial Literacy Month on Capitol Hill!

All school-aged children in grades 3-12 are eligible to enter with local and national winners to be chosen from each of three grade categories. Students from public, private and home schools are welcome. Entries will be judged by expression of the theme, artistic style, and creativity, and must be submitted through an NFCC Member Agency for judging. The submission deadline for poster entries is in February 2010, varying by each specific member agency.

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