Saturday, January 2, 2010

Giveaway: Happy New Year!

Just for the record, I'm posting my New Year's resolutions here. Hopefully it will give me some accountability:)

1 - Lose 15 pounds (the stubborn part of the baby weight due to the holidays).
2 - Post blog posts besides freebies, shopping savings, or product reviews at least three times a week.
3 - Once I get on top of all the project mess, stay on top of it.

Congratulations to Jaime, who won last month's Sound of Music giveaway!

I'm doing another Mystery Box giveaway as the first giveaway of the New Year. It will include a "Cutest Little Tax Deduction" onesie provided by Turbo Tax's contest (if you have a December baby, check it out! There will also be a few cookbooks, high-value coupons, and other useful items from around the home (included a Swiss Army knife).

There are several ways to enter, and each method gets you an extra entry! You need to email me at or post a comment for each entry you complete (example: if you are a subscriber, you should submit two entries - one for #1 and one for #3).

1) Leave a comment or send an email with one goal or resolution you have for 2010.
2) Blog about this giveaway on your blog (send me the link)
3) Subscribe to the blog (if you are already a subscriber let me now that)
4) Sign up for anything on this list
5) Tweet about the giveaway (send me the link)

Deadline is January 31st.

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