Monday, January 11, 2010

World Wisdom: Water Usage

Here's a collection of tips - some you may have seen before - for minimizing water usage:

- Consider back-to-back showers. This avoids wasting water used to heat it up.
- Collect rain water in a barrel to use for watering plants.
- If you decide to water the lawn, do it early in the morning to minimize evaporation, and aim the sprinkler low instead of high.
- Use a low-flow showerhead; if you're replacing your toilet, go low-flow there too.
- Remember that watering the lawn is not a necessity. Letting the lawn go dormant during hot weather may not look quite as nice, but it is perfectly ok for the lawn and saves you some mowing time as well.
- Put a few drops of food coloring in the tank of your toilet. If it appears in the bowl, your toilet leaks and needs to have a gasket replaced.

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