Monday, February 8, 2010

Consumer Critique: Johnson's Baby Products

I was fortunate to receive a whole box of Johnson's baby products to review. I got Johnson's lotion, baby oil, baby powder, bedtime bubble bath, head to toe baby wash, Desitin diaper creme, and baby shampoo. I plan on using some of them for a baby gift package when our next door neighbor has her new baby in a few weeks, and I'm sure she'll appreciate it - it's nice to have a supply on hand so you don't run out! And baby oil and baby powder are nice to have around even if you don't have babies!

I like Johnson's products. They are effective, and they don't irritate babies' skin. I typically use bubble bath, baby wash, and baby shampoo all as baby bath, since it's the easiest to just use the bubbly lather for washing and fun for my toddler. My infant likes to lay down in the tub, and even when she wiggles back and forth, getting bubbly water up into her eyes, she has hardly even flinched, so it obviously is pretty gentle to eyes (I'm sure that straight shampoo or soap would annoy her, but diluted with the water it's good).

Johnson's lotion is also effective. I do like the bedtime lotion - it's very calming to my toddler to rub it on her, and since Minnesota winters are so dry, it keeps her skin more baby-like.

Baby oil is a great product. You can actually use it for a lot of things besides just on baby skin. It makes a great massage oil. It can help remove your rings if your hands have swelled up. It lubricates zippers that are stuck, making them more easy to slide. You can also use it to polish furniture!

Baby powder has lots of uses too. Use it to absorb grease stains in clothes. Shake some in a plastic bag with playing cards to make them less grimy. Sprinkle it inside rubber gloves that are hard to get on.

And, for people with sensitive skin, baby lotion is often a great alternative!

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Johnson’s and received samples of Johnson’s Baby products to facilitate my review."

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