Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Parenting Pointers: Apartment Etiquette

Most people follow good common sense with their neighbors, whether they're in an apartment or a house, but every once in a while it's good to just take a moment to make sure we're following common courtesy. Here are some tips from on being a good tenant and neighbor:

* Package P’s and Q’s: If you don’t have a 24-hour doorman available to collect packages, consider sending your ordered goods to your work address if you know you won’t be home to receive them. This saves your neighbors the hassle of being asked to sign for you when you aren’t home.
* Don’t Let These Walls Talk: When you live in an apartment complex, it’s important to consider who might be listening to your conversations – whether they want to or not! If you’re speaking to someone in the hallway, consider bringing them inside your apartment to continue the conversation. If you aren’t comfortable inviting them in, then try to keep your voices low so as not to bother those living around you. All sounds travels so also remember to keep your TV and music at lower volumes during the early and late hours of the day. A good rule of thumb is to keep noise levels low before 10am and after 10pm.
* Party Permission Slip: If you’re planning to hold a party in your apartment this year, consider telling your neighbors in advance either in person or by slipping notes under their doors. Not only will your neighbors appreciate how considerate you are, but it also gives them enough time to make plans of their own (in case they’d prefer not to be home during your at-home karaoke session). Consider inviting them over too, so they don’t feel left out!
* Don’t Trash Your Neighbors: We’ve all done it before – your kitchen garbage can is full, so you leave the trash bag outside your front door to bring downstairs a little later. Although your trash might not bother you, it could be ruining the ambiance for your neighbors. Making the extra effort to bring the trash bag downstairs right away or keep it inside your own apartment will appease your neighbors while also keeping away unwanted pests.
* Control Your Critter: Just because your building is labeled as “pet-friendly” doesn’t mean that all of your neighbors want to be run down by Fido in the hallway. If you’re taking your pet for a walk, make sure to put on the leash before you leave your apartment. This way, you’re able to control your pet easily in just in case you’re sharing the elevator with a neighbor.
* Parking Patrol: Just because the whole street is empty when you get home from work, doesn’t give you license to park irresponsibly. Be mindful of neighbors when parking your car and make reasonable efforts to park efficiently so that others will have room to park when they roll in from a long night at the office. If there is a space big enough to fit two cars, don’t park squarely in the middle of it, leave room for that other car. And, if the whole street is empty, park at the end of the closest driveway, or otherwise leave room for cars to fit both in front and behind yours. Doing your part to use street space effectively will save your neighbors the long walk to their apartment late at night, and will surely be appreciated.

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