Sunday, October 23, 2011

Money Makers: Early Career Success

Bottomless Closet NYC is an organization that helps women get their lives back together, through helping them find a new job or boosting their self-esteem. The non-profit’s Chair Emerita Sheila Lambert offers advice to succeed at your first day at a new job and beyond.

- Manage the transition: When balance in our lives is disrupted, we tend to fear the unknown and focus on the possibility of failure. Stay realistic; no one expects you to know everything by the end of the first day, let alone the first month. Ask for help when you are unsure of an answer. This will give you the self-confidence to approach new colleagues and eventually help you form relationships in the office.
- Make an impression: Find a mentor to help you understand the culture and introduce you to new contacts. Solicit feedback on your performance and accept constructive criticism.
- Create a balance: In any work environment, employers value those who efficiently manage their time. Examine your priorities, and create a list of everything you do. Most importantly, leave work at work and your personal life at home.
- Maintain a positive attitude: Enthusiasm should become your new best quality. Get to work early, stay late when necessary and work diligently throughout the day. Don’t expect to conquer the world within the first few weeks, but learn and follow office rules and protocols. Show respect to everyone, especially your boss, and your personality will demonstrate that you are a team player.
- Exemplify timeliness and be aware of priorities. A prompt employee is an efficient employee.
- Understand your new employee role. Master all responsibilities as quickly as possible.
- Be a team player. Always offer to help others when finished with your primary tasks.
- Find yourself a mentor who can help you understand the culture and make connections.
- Manage the impressions you make. Show respect to everyone from the security staff to the CEO and your positive attitude will become infectious
- Get to know your boss and what he/she expects. Solicit feedback on your performance and accept constructive criticism.
- Display a positive, can-do attitude and keep an open mind.
- Take your assignment seriously. Master the skills and tasks of your new job. You’ll get as much from your job as you put into it.
- Ask questions and ask for help when needed.
- Set realistic goals and objectives.

About Bottomless Closet NYC:
Bottomless Closet NYC is a non-profit organization that helps disadvantaged women become self-sufficient through a comprehensive program that begins with business attire and interview preparation, and continues with professional development, financial management and personal enrichment.

If you don't live in NYC, there are similar charities all across the United States and I encourage you to seek them out if you find yourself in a tough situation - or if you can help someone else who's struggling.

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