Monday, October 31, 2011

Website Spotlight: Puppies vs. Babies

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Puppies vs. Babies for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

There's a new contest  going on now - the Puppies vs. Babies online contest. Between now and November 23rd, you can vote to help decide who the ultimate puppy or baby is - and the winner gets $5,000. Personally, I think babies are cuter. Puppies are adorable (and never talk back) but they also never grow up, and babies have so much promise. They can also interact and communicate even more (and yes, I know puppies communicate in their own way, and babies are hard to figure out, but eventually babies learn real words). And do dogs giggle? No. Plus, call me partial, but I prefer my own species of cuteness:) Feel free to share in the comments who you're going to vote for - I know my vote in Puppies vs. Babies is babies, hands down. (That's why we have children, but aren't sure if we'll have a puppy - they're just so adorable!) I think it's fun to look at cute photos of either, though, so if you want a nice time-waster and a chance to go, "Awwwwww," then check out the site to see some great photos of babies - both human and dog.PvB-CuteDar-Green-300x250-Backup.jpg

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