Saturday, November 5, 2011

Real Moms Love to Eat

How true that title is! It's also the title of a book by Beth Aldrich, a certified health counselor. I know I love to eat, even though I'm also conscious of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But I've found that you can eat and be satisfied, and still be healthy - it's not very hard, and that's one thing Beth tries to get across in her book.

"Real Moms Love to Eat" has three sections, including a plan to implement gradual changes that will become lifelong habits, and also meal suggestions, recipes, tips, and more. She educates her readers about food and wants her book to be full of practical, manageable solutions for moms everywhere. I know that I'm going to try to join that program as well - I'd love to see the tips Beth shares!

There's also a fun Food Affairiate program for bloggers - it's basically a way to review the full copy of the book and have a chance to win prizes while you're letting others know about ways to improve their diet.

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Beth Aldrich - Real Moms Love to Eat blogging program, for a chance to get 3,000 My SocialMoms Rewards points. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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