Friday, December 30, 2011

Consumer Critique: Super Sneaky Uses for Everyday Things

Have you ever wanted to make your own light-up nails, use a paper clip as a compass, or make a battery from a pencil? Super Sneaky Uses for Everyday Things has instructions for all of these and much more. Cy Tymony, author of the Sneaky Uses series of books, includes clear descriptions, what you need for each project, and diagrams that are easy to understand. The projects range from the practical - making your own bangle - to the entertaining - remote-controlled Nerf shooter - to the not-terribly-useful-but-very-scientific - like making batteries and energy sources from other household objects.

The book is fun to read. I certainly won't be trying everything in it, but I'm sure as my girls get older they'll enjoy doing a lot of the activities as well. If my brother had this book as a kid (or even now) he'd be trying everything in it!

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book to facilitate this review.

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