Monday, December 19, 2011

Dream of being a sports writer

Authored by Greg Fletcher

If there was an award for biggest sports fan, I am sure I would get it. My wife thinks I am crazy, but I am in love with sports. Not just any sport, but all sports. I just can’t pick a favorite. There are so many great and different sports out there to watch and follow that I can’t pick just one. I know my wife was annoyed when I ordered the best sports package that direct tv Philadelphia had to offer. However, it is my hobby. Following all of the different games is relaxing to me and it makes me feel like I am knowledgeable. I read all the articles and even make my own analysis of the games. My dream would be to become a sports writer, but I don’t think that will ever happen. It is a very competitive market and I do not have a background in writing. Maybe one day I will start a blog with all my thoughts and analysis, but for right now it will just be a dream.

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