Thursday, December 15, 2011

Healthy Habits: Easy Important Tips

For Cycle House fitness guru and head spin instructor, Nichelle Hines, staying fit and healthy is a way of life. While many think getting in shape is impossible, Nichelle’s five simple steps can change even the laziest person’s view.

1. SLEEP: At least 8 hours of sleep a night! Your weight is directly related to how much rest you get. With 8 hours of sleep a night cortisol and stress levels decrease while your energy level increases!

2.It’s True, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day: Eat a healthy breakfast with a mix of complex carbohydrates, protein and fat! (eat the yolk, it's the least of your fat concerns!) Nichelle’s personal favorite: whole wheat English muffin, egg, turkey bacon, and low-fat cheese with an apple. It will sustain you till lunch!

3. Interval training: Keep your heart rate guessing by mixing it up. Slow, quick, slow, quick is my motto- always pushes your limits and forces the mind and body to engage and adapt. No matter the exercise this is something you can always practice to keep the body on its toes and always burning.

4. See ya, Sweeteners: No more artificial sweeteners! Sure they give you a fake sugar fix, but they keep you craving sweets and your body does not know how to process them. Keep it simple and natural. If you can't pronounce it- you probably shouldn't put it in your temple.

5. Finally... Hydrate!!! So often when our body thinks its hungry we're simply thirsty. Stay up on your H2O- stay low in weight! If I'm really craving juice (which is rare- high in sugar) I do half water, half juice= half the calories!

Bonus Tip

*Always take a moment (10 minutes if you've got the time, but a moment or two will do in a pinch) to calm down, breathe, smile and have a peaceful, grateful thought. It always centers the body and promotes positive decision making at any time in your day!

Nichelle is the CRO (Chief Ride Officer) at Cycle House. She was born and raised in San Francisco and has an MFA from NYU. She found her passion for Riding 11 years ago and lost over 60 pounds doing it.

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