Monday, December 19, 2011

Mealtime Magic: Back to the Roots mushroom kit

I got a chance to review Back to the Roots, a great gift for anyone who likes mushrooms. Back to the Roots is a grow-your-own mushroom kit that's really easy to use. You simply cut a slit in the box and bag, and spritz down so it stays damp. The picture here is at the beginning of the process, and the website has some great pictures, too - as well as a lot of fun recipes (so visit the website even if you don't want to buy a box, just for great ideas using mushrooms). Each kit lets you grow up to 1 1/2 pounds of oyster mushrooms, plus the company has some great sustainability aspects as well, recycling coffee grounds, for example. It was a lot of fun for my daughters, too. Both girls loved spritzing the mushrooms down with the included spritzer, and the older one was fascinated by watching them grow each day. All in all, it was a good learning experience and a tasty product to review!

Disclosure: I received a complimentary box from Back to the Roots to facilitate this review.

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