Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Parenting Pointers: Preparing Your Kids for College

Even if your little ones are still in diapers, there are small things you can do now to help them prepare for the world of higher learning. Everything from night time activities to tee ball can have an impact for the better. So have a look at the below five tips to help your kids prepare for college to get useful tips.

1. Saving – That piggy bank isn’t just for holding money. Kids as young as preschool can count and be taught to save their money in the piggy bank. There are even special piggy banks that can be used specifically for college use or that have sections for what you want to put the money to use on.

2. Reading – Even if your child is too young to read, they are not too young to be read to. Reading not only allows you to spend quality time with your child, it shows them that reading isn’t a chore or assignment. When kids are old enough, encourage them to read even if it the reading material is light. Even comic books can help kids develop a love of reading.

3. Reminiscing – Telling kids about your own college experiences can help them look forward to it when the time comes. Utilizing year books, pictures, and other memorabilia from your college days can also greatly help.

4. Activities – Whether it be sports or scouting, activities can help a child branch out and discover what they like. Excelling at an activity can even help a grown child get into college via a scholarship.

5. Visiting – If there are some colleges in your area, take your child for a visit. Letting them see firsthand the students, campus, and more can all help them see that college isn’t such as scary place after all. Trips to your alma matter won’t hurt either.

Natalie Dawson owns the site Masters Degree. She enjoys writing articles about everything in the education field.

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