Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thrifty Thinking: Safe Online Shopping

This is a guest post that relates to the holiday season, but it's good advice for year-round too.

LOS ANGELES – With “Free Shipping” enticing a record numbers of shoppers to go online this holiday season, beware of lurking cyber-crooks turning unsuspecting consumers into victims of identity theft, fraud and other forms of online crime.

Online Security Specialist John Giacobbi, who polices the Internet for many of the World’s most famous recording artists and better known as the “Web Sheriff,” provides tips for safe shopping online. He advises consumers to be constantly vigilant about protecting personal information when they go on-line.

“When shopping online, never order from a web-site that doesn’t publish its postal address and the identity of the corporation or owner” warns Web Sheriff. “Consumer protection laws make these legal requirements and you should ideally have a contact telephone number as well”. This is a particularly important safeguard against eBook frauds and sellers offering goods they don’t actually own.

Web Sheriff also says that consumers should beware of incoming emails asking you to divulge personal details. “Crooks can lure you in with authentic looking emails asking to confirm or re-register account information, so always check the e-mail address that it comes from and NEVER give personal info to unsolicited enquiries.

Social networking sites may be great for spreading holiday cheer, but Web Sheriff explains they’ve also proven to be a treasure trove of personal information that crooks piece together for identity theft.

“If you post Facebook messages or Tweets about your vacation plans, then expect more than just Santa coming down your chimney this Christmas!!” says the Sheriff.

Web Sheriff also recommends that anyone getting a new computer this Christmas should make sure to include security software on their cyber wish list!!


1. NEVER give personal info in reply to unsolicited mails.
2. ALWAYS check the e-mail address that shopping offers come from.
3. ONLY order from web-sites that publish their addresses.
4. DON’T publish your vacation plans on-line.
5. HAPPY HOLIDAYS – and remember these tips for a safe Christmas!!

For More information please visit www.websheriff.com

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