Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Website Spotlight: Rally

Are you connected with a group that has fundraising needs? Rally.org was recently launched as a website to bridge the gap between online fundraising and the power of social media. It offers a free user friendly platform designed to easily broadcast your personal story to all members of your online community. Invite family, friends, and followers from social media communities like Facebook and Twitter to help support your cause. Members can create a personalized page to bring attention to any cause they wish. Supporters of these causes can then opt to receive weekly updates, helping them connect further with the organization and evolve from one time donors to life long fundraisers. Rally founder, Tom Serres, believes that everyone deserves a voice to tell their story, and thus designed a platform that allows the public (not just 501(c)3 non-profits) to become influential fundraisers and change the world. Whether it's raising money to redecorate the local women's shelter or purchasing clean up supplies to rid the neighborhood of graffiti, Rally allows anyone to broadcast their story with ease, as well as keep their supporters involved with updates on their efforts.

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