Thursday, January 5, 2012

Healthy Habits: Family Fitness

Kids learn by example - healthy parents tend to have healthier children. But it can be hard to change habits, especially if you haven't had a habit of physical activity and healthy eating yourself. It can be tempting to do a complete overhaul, but sometimes that can backfire and make it easier to slide back into old habits. It's better to educate yourself and make changes in one area at a time, gradually adding more.

But that doesn't mean you can't dream big or be inspired by the success of others. Amy and Phil Parham, former contestants on The Biggest Loser, encourage you to do just that in their book The Amazing Fitness Adventure for Your Kids: 90 Days to Raising Healthy Children. As you can see from the title, they aren't asking you to do things overnight, but over three months. And while some of the information in the book may seem obvious, if you don't currently have healthy habits, you need the reminder.

If you're trying to get your family to be healthier, make sure to make it a family affair. Lead by example, and find kid-friendly activities and meals that everyone enjoys. And be sure to hold each other accountable (without nagging) - reward systems are good for that, and they work for adults as well as kids!

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of "The Amazing Fitness Adventure for Your Kids" to facilitate this review.

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