Saturday, February 25, 2012

Website Spotlight: Future Fortified

I just heard about the Future Fortified program, which is a global campaign to give women and children the nutrients they need to live healthy lives. Good nutrition is essential during the "first 1,000 days" (pregnancy through the second year) because so much development occurs in the body during this time, so Future Fortified has a special focus in this area.

The organization has a long-term focus, working with governments, community organizations, and companies to help provide access to healthy food, educate families about the importance of nutrition, and help make healthy food affordable. Another key component of helping families provide necessary nutrients are the home nutrition packets. These cost as little as 3 cents each, so it makes them affordable for nearly everyone. They get sprinkled over food a few times a week and deliver essential micro and macro nutrients. These packets look different depending on where they're available - they're produced by local companies (which is good, families can support local organizations) and are tailored to the needs of the area.

They also have a fun points system for engaging with the company and helping spread awareness, which they say will be tied to contests in the future, as well as a shop that's coming soon where you can buy a variety of products to help support the mission. For more information, you can find Future Fortified on Facebook or follow @futurefortified. You can also visit the Future Fortified YouTube channel. Future Fortified partners with 1,000 Days, DSM, Edesia Global, and Herbalife.

Disclosure: “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf Future Fortified. To thank me for my contribution, Mom Central donated $20 to the Future Fortified campaign.”

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