Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fun Freetime: Chimpanzee

My girls and I got a chance to attend a screening of Chimpanzee, a film that will be released April 20th by Disneynature. I really enjoyed it. It's narrated by Tim Allen, and there is just enough humor to be engaging, without detracting from the story. The way the story is told is amazing - and so is the story itself. There are sensitive scenes that are tastefully done - such as the fights between groups of chimpanzees - so that kids aren't shocked or scared. My daughters (2 and 4) did get a little bit uneasy in a few scenes, but overall had no problem with the film. The movie was a little bit long for the two-year-old, but the four-year-old was just fine through the whole thing. Afterwards, she was able to articulate most of the story to her father, which is good - it shows that this film has a very wide range of ages for which it's appropriate.

Another big benefit is the wealth of information available on the Chimpanzee website. You can find age-appropriate educational (and fun) activities for Chimpanzee and the other films released by Disneynature.

If you're looking for a film that is both engaging and educational, I recommend Chimpanzee.

Disclosure: I received screening tickets to facilitate this review.

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