Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Healthy Habits: Summer Health Tips for Parents and Kids—More Fun, Fewer Doctors Bills


With summer in full force, colds and flus are the last things on our minds (hopefully). While these so-called "winter illnesses" certainly happen in the summertime, for the most part summer comes with its own set of health concerns and nuisances. As parents, it's our job to be constantly in tune with the health of our children. By being proactive about careful health care, we can avoid extraneous medical bills and better ensure the well-being of our lovely children. With things like heat exhaustion, severe allergies, and bug bites and stings, it's wise to educate yourself on ways to keep your kids safe during the summer months. With a little forethought and knowhow, you can more easily keep your kids out of the doctor's office this summer and keep them out having fun in the sun. Don't let these pesky illnesses and health threats upset your kids' summertime fun.

Allergies can get really bad in the summertime. With the hotter weather and ample plant growth, pollen can get pretty out of hand. Of course, the types of allergies around will completely depend on what area of the country you live in and what types of allergies you have, but by educating yourself on common summer allergies you can better fight them. The most common summer allergens include pollen, mold, specific plants (like poison ivy), and reactions to seasonal fruits. In severe cases, summer allergies due to mold or pollen can feel and look as bad as a winter cold. Pay attention to whether your kids are sniffling, sneezing, and itching. These are all signs of seasonal allergies. Washing regularly can be the best defense against pesky allergies. This is a much easier and more cost effective way to help your child feel better from allergies. Make sure they wash their hands a lot before touching their eyes or nose. Also, have them shower and rinse their hair after playing outside. Pollen can stick to the hair and skin only causing more problems.

Sun Smarts
The number one summer activity for most people is relaxing and fun out in the sun. The sunny long days can be the very best part of summer. However, it's vital that you and your children exercise careful sun practices. Sunscreen is essential of course. Avoiding painful and harmful sunburn is the first line of defense. You should also equip your kids and yourself with sun shirts, hats, and umbrellas for prolonged sunshine time. Know what heat exhaustion and other heat related illnesses look like. If your kids do fall victim to sunburn (as they most likely will), try using aloe vera gel on the burn and make sure they drink plenty of water.

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs
Bug bites and stings are a given when it comes to summer evening out by the grill or under the stars. Things like ants, mosquitoes, and other stinging and biting bugs flourish in the warmer months. Things like bug spray can work very well, but you and your kids are still likely to get a few mosquito bites from time to time. Don't let your kids scratch their itchy bites. This can leave painful open wounds and scars. Green tea can be a great remedy for itchy bites. Try holding a used green tea bag to an itchy bug bite for relief. Other home remedies include honey, aloe vera, and basil. Also, basil has been shown to repel mosquitoes with its fragrance. Use these defenses to help your kids avoid summer bug bites and stings.

Today's guest post comes courtesy of Amelia Wood, who often writes about medical billing and coding certification and welcomes your responses at

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