Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Nutrilys Del Mar

I had a chance to interview Thierry Lerond about Nutrilys Del Mar supplements, which I had never heard of before.

1) What is the science behind oyster powder?
We take a lot of care in maintaining the natural balance of micronutrients contained in the oysters. Oysters have the highest natural concentration of zinc. They also contain manganese, copper, selenium, strontium, and silicon, which together provide the building blocks for over 300 enzymes in the body. These enzymes are involved in reactions that contribute to fertility and robust sexual health. The science and secret to the potency and power of the
Premium Oyster Powder lies in nature, we simply ensure that nature’s delicate balance is maintained. Due to the high quality of the Premium Oyster Powder and the natural integrity that we strive to maintain, the oyster powder may appear sticky inside the capsule; this sticky appearance is due to natural fatty acids of the oysters – one of the keys to their potency.

2) What makes Nutrilys Del Mar unique?
I have travelled all over the world to find the very best quality resources that nature has to offer. The
Premium Oyster Powder comes from oysters harvested in the pristine Atlantic waters off the coast of Ireland, while the Wild Organic Seaweed Fucorich flourishes in the clean nutrient-rich waters of coastal Patagonia. We have a respect for the ecosystems that support such vital resources and we only hand harvest on a sustainable basis. Nutrilys Del Mar’s line of marine-based supplements is truly the very highest quality from around the world.

3) What are some other things couples can do to enhance their fertility?
It may seem simple, but getting enough sleep and rest is very important. Sleep is essential to maintaining balance and harmony in the body. Even mild sleep deprivation can tax and stress the body, throwing off delicate hormonal balances.  Of course, maintaining a healthy weight, eating fresh whole foods and drinking plenty of water are also excellent and natural ways to ensure optimal health and to boost fertility.

4) What other concerns does oyster powder address?
People who take
Premium Oyster Powder report a significant increase in their energy levels and stamina. They also inform us that their skin appears more supple, and their hair and nails are stronger and healthier. The essential nutrients in Premium Oyster Powder also contribute to good joint and bone health.

5) Does Nutrilys Del Mar make other products? If so, for whom?
There is truly something for everyone at every life stage.
Nutrilys Del Mars line of marine-based supplements is extremely potent and fast-acting. For those who exercise regularly or for people who experience fatigue, Shark Liver Oil is an excellent resource to boost and maintain natural, healthy energy levels. People report an increase in their energy levels only days after taking the capsules.

For women who are pregnant,
Premium Oyster Powder combined with Shark Liver Oil and Sockeye Salmon Oil provide a wealth of balanced essential vitamins and nutrients for healthy fetal development as well as the mother’s overall health.

I recommend
Wild Organic Seaweed Fucorich to anyone who has any digestive issues, I have given seaweed capsules to people who have undergone radiation treatment for cancer or have taken rounds of strong antibiotics, and they have noticed a marked improvement in their digestion and comfort levels.

To boost the immune system, our
Vitamin D3 is excellent. The Vitamin D3 is suspended in our Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon, which allows the body to quickly and easily absorb this essential vitamin.

People who take
Wild Atlantic Krill Oil have reported a reduction in their cholesterol levels.

Please find below a list of quotes for what people are saying about our products:

Wild Atlantic Krill Oil
“I had been on 10 mg of statins daily for about three years and along with them had been taking several vitamin supplements and an Omega 3 fish oil supplement. While my total cholesterol went down from 205 to 130, my triglyceride level would remain a problem, never going below 220….That is, until recently, when I switched to 300mg of Wild Atlantic Krill Oil. After 6 months on the supplement, my triglyceride level is 145 and I have had no side effects whatsoever. I heartily recommend it.” - James Michaels

Premium Oyster Powder

“I had been trying to get pregnant for three years before Thierry Lerond advised me to take oyster powder twice daily. Three months later, I got pregnant. And now I take oyster powder instead of regular baby vitamins. I feel good, and my last ultrasound showed a nice, healthy baby boy.” – Helene Masquelier

Wild Organic Seaweed Fucorich
 “Following multiple surgeries within 9 months for breast cancer reconstruction, I distinctively noticed how Nutrilys Del Mar’s wild organic seaweed fucorich fucoidan helped with my digestive system after my last surgery. My previous surgeries left me with a sensitive stomach due to anesthesia and rounds of antibiotics. Incorporating the seaweed pills into my diet after my last operation improved my stomach and digestion issues tenfold. While I also noticed a boost in energy, other perks included stronger nails and more hydrated supple skin from head to toe. This is one supplement I won’t stop taking,” - C.M. Greene, breast cancer survivor

Shark Liver Oil
 “I'm a customer for life! For the past several months I have been taking Nutrilys' shark liver oil. Initially I saw an improvement in the condition of my hair and skin. The job I do requires much from me during this time of year. I have noticed that I'm able to stay focused longer and that my energy level has increased markedly. Thank you for keeping me feeling so great!”- Joanne Cotner

Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Oil
 “I started taking Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Oil to help me with my energy levels and short attention span. With this product, not only was I able to stop drinking coffee all together, but I’m now able to focus on projects for hours on end at work! I’ve also noticed a drastic improvement in my disposition—no more violent mood swings! The fact that it’s all natural and sustainable is icing on the cake.” -Alexis Klein

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