Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Parenting Pointers: Can Cleaning be Funny?

You probably heard the advice to think outside the box on many occasions, but never when it was referring the pesky chore of cleaning your home. But what if it can help you get the job done faster and make it feel less as a chore? And if your suggestion goes to hiring a cleaning company to do that for you, while you are doing something more pleasant, you did not guess right. Such decision will surely make your life easier, but not everyone can afford it. So here are some ideas on how to stir up your cleaning practices a bit and make it more like a fun activity.
If you do not believe that such concept is possible, read through the following suggestions.
  • Cleaning windows
To make the cleaning of your windows a bit more pleasurable – a process that usually requires lots of time and hard work, you can use air freshener instead of your regular product for cleaning windows. It is true that such an idea sounds a bit crazy, but imagine the pleasant scent you will be surrounded by when sweating on those windows. Plus, every household has in its arsenal some sort of an air freshener, either a spray bottle or a liquid one. You just have to spray from it on the windows and wipe it down with a paper towel or cloth. The best way to dry up the mirrors remains when using a newspaper as it does not leave any small particles on it.
By applying this idea, you will be sure that next time the windows should be cleaned, you can think of a clean and pleasantly smelling house.
  • Are you a lover of artificial flowers but don't like dusting and cleaning them up on a regular basis?
There is a funny and simple decision for this case and it is going to assure you an immediate cleanup and removing all the dust from your flowers, which will make them look more real. Simply put the artificial flowers in a large paper bag and pour in it a handful of salt. Close the bag up and shake it well. The salt is a great absorber of all the dirt and dust and it will remove it from them.
  • Do you want to play with your socks?
This idea sounds funny, that is true, and it gets even more so when you hear that you can run around the house cleaning it with your socks on your hands. Anyone who sees you like that may think that you went crazy, but there is nothing wrong in using the spare socks, whose matching pair you often can't find after doing your laundry, for cleaning purposes. Put your socks on your hands and get cleaning and dusting the counters and different items in the house.
  • Let’s vacuum!
A funny habit that you may adopt when it comes to vacuuming is a technique that can be used for cleaning the sofa cushions or the chairs. It is especially convenient in the cases when you don't have the proper attachment for the designated areas but want to get rid of all the dirt and hairs from them. While vacuuming the floor, pick up the vacuum and run it over the sofa and chairs. And if you have not tried it till now, it will certainly become your funny habit.
You will be really amazed by the results of applying these easy and seemingly funny but quite effective techniques for cleaning your home. Try them and get your mood lifted up as well!

Miranda really enjoys cleaning and home organizing. You can read some of her latest publications at http://www.cleanngone.co.uk/ .

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