Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Parenting Pointers: Mindbloom

Young adults have a clear preference for Internet over TV for news, cellphones over landlines, and digital music over CDs. Mindbloom® also sees a trend of young adults embracing online and mobile apps for personal growth (including personal finance) over self-help books and life coaches. Mindbloom found that young adults were four times more likely than baby boomers to use its Life Game® mobile and Web app, which is designed to inspire people to define what’s important, discover what motivates them, and take meaningful daily actions in all areas of their life.
Mindbloom officially launched its Life Game in September and has successfully grown to more than 36,000 active users with a focus on intrinsic gaming mechanics, personalization and social media integration. As part of this effort to change the wellness market, the company also recently launched its digital mobile inspiration app called Bloom* in November, which has had over 175,000 downloads in the iTunes App Store.
By putting the principles of behavioral science behind social gaming to inspire people and help them achieve their personal health and wellness goals, Mindbloom has attracted a younger audience and helped its members follow through on more than 1.2 million commitments in 2011.

Throughout 2011, 80 percent of users focused on their health as their number one life priority by committing to simple actions like drinking more water, getting more sleep, and walking topping the list. Relationship-focused commitments like calling parents, spending time with close friends or saying ‘I Love You’ followed health-related activities with about 70 percent interest from both sexes. But from there, men and women’s areas of life interests varied broadly with women focusing next on their lifestyle, creativity, career and finances and men focusing on their career, lifestyle, finances and creativity, in relative order of importance.
For quick video introductions to how Mindbloom’s apps work, click here for the Life Game or here for Bloom.
About Mindbloom:
Mindbloom is a Seattle-based interactive media company that's out to make life improvement accessible to everyone. By harnessing next-generation engagement techniques and focusing users on personal growth, Mindbloom has created a fun, simple, and effective way for people to improve the quality of their lives. To start living a healthier and more balanced life, visit: www.mindbloom.com. You can also find Mindbloom on Facebook at www.facebook.com/mindbloom or on Twitter at @mindbloom.
Mindbloom and their respective logos are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Mindbloom. Other products and company names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective owners.

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