Monday, December 17, 2012

Fun Freetime: Python and Scratch for Kids (Computer Programming)

My husband laughed when he saw my latest books to review, Python for Kids and Super Scratch Programming Adventure! published by No Starch Press (publisher of a variety of geeky books). You see, he does tech support, took a basic programming class in college, and works in a school that uses Scratch for computer classes. So he was tickled.

Both Python and Scratch are free (and do work on Mac too, those of you who - like me - prefer Apple). The books break the processes down step-by-step, providing clear examples and written in child-friendly language, that isn't condescending and is appropriate for adults to learn as well. I learned a lot reading the books, and I had fun tinkering around too. Scratch enables kids to make playable video games - which is really cool for kids who enjoy playing them. The Python book also teaches kids (or adults) how to program two games.

Learning programming is a great creative outlet, especially for kids who are still searching for a talent or interest to express. It's not just for computer geeks - anyone can get into it, even if you aren't very tech-savvy.

Disclosure: I received complimentary copies of the books to facilitate this review.

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