Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Time Tidbits: How Often to Clean (Guest Post)

Depending on your personal preferences you might enjoy cleaning on a regular or a semi-regular basis and regardless of that you will have to keep doing this on regular intervals since the dust and clutter will keep building up. Now you might ask yourself the question if this needs to be done more often or even once a month since no one wants to clean up all the time, right? Well the frequency of cleaning a certain room is largely dependent on the frequency of us, so there are some things you will need to have in mind when considering cleaning. For the most part if you spend more time doing regular cleanings every day they will weigh a lot less on your mind than having to do massive amounts of cleaning once a week or worse – once a month. For the most part if you give about 30 or so minutes of your daily routine to washing dishes, cleaning and sanitizing surfaces and so on you will easily spare yourself the stressful time of “Cleaning Day” every so often.

The living room and the bedroom are after all the most used of all rooms in your house, hence they should receive the most care out of all places. You should do your best to put some order in them every night before going to sleep or simply rarely leaving things out of place. You should consider dusting when you see dusting needs to be done and simply vacuuming when you think it should be done. For the most part you should use your common sense when you're at home instead of letting things pile up to the point where you'll have a really hard time dealing with everything. These tasks should be done once a week at least to avoid incredible messes and a real waste of time.

The kitchen is a bit of a different deal since its a much better thriving ground for bacteria. This area should be cleaned more often for that reason alone, not to mention that we use dishes all the time. The worst thing that can happen is letting them pile up on top of everything else, making the chore of washing them something very annoying indeed. You should consider the same about countertops and stoves as well – clean them regularly to avoid tough stains and bacterial infestation. There are other tasks you can perform on a weekly basis such as making sure floors should are kept clean on a regular basis, as well as cleaning the dish rack and so on. Cleaning ovens and fridges can be done on an even less frequent basis since they are less prone to being messy, though doing that is also important and should not be overlooked.

The bathroom is probably one of the most dreaded places to clean since no one likes to deal with the annoying little details around there chief among which is the toilet bowl. You should do your best to keep moisture in there to a minimum and on a daily basis since this creates the perfect opportunity to breed mildew and mold. You should wipe away any excess water after taking a bath and you could even use a microfiber cloth to remove the water drops from your bathtub after you're done with your bath. Don't forget to do a semi-regular cleanings of your bath tub with the right chemicals to avoid any problems. You can use a number of substances to sanitize the area such as 1:9 solution of bleach and water as well as even distilled white vinegar to kill most of the bacteria and mold spores.

Nicole is a passionate writer, devoted mum and adventurer. She enjoys writing about healthy lifestyle and easy home organizing. You can read her publications at : http://www.0800carpetcleaning.co.uk/

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