It's in our nature as parents to want to protect our children, but when we have children with severe
allergies it's easy to become what experts
call a "helicopter parent" - hovering overhead to ensure safety. But it can actually hinder children and hurt the lives of parent and child.
I had a chance to interview Haleh
Rabizdeh, renowned parenting expert, and parent of a child with severe
allergies to foods. She is also the author of Little Patient Big Doctor: One Mother's Journey.
1. When it comes to children will allergies, what is a helicopter parent?
you do any of these? Then you are a helicopter parent to an allergic
child. 1. You get anxious and won't let your child touch something
that they are allergic to even if your child is not contact allergic. 2.
You make your child carry his epi-pen with him even thought the school
and adults around him have one. 3. You make sure that everywhere your
child goes, everyone is aware of his allergy and have made plans to
accomodate him. 4. You give a blow by blow of your child's allergies
and how they should be handled when they go on a playdate which is 5
minutes away from your house.
2. What effect does helicopter parenting have on children?
an allergic child not only does it take away their independence, it
makes them feel weak and frail and in extreme cases children begin to
wonder not only why they were made like this but why they are even here.
Also children learn to feel and act entitled and think that everyone
should accommodate their every whim.
3. What risks are ok for parents to allow for kids with allergies?
you ask a doctor, no risk is worth it because any allergic reaction can
lead to death. If you ask a parent, we need to take risks of exposure
to have our children live normal lives. For me that means, I don't
worry about crumbs on the table. I let my child sit next to his friends
who are eating things he is allergic to. Sometimes, I don't know every
ingredient of a food that he eats- 99% of the time that's not an issue. Is it a risk? Yes. But I need to balance it against my child living a
normal life.
4. How can parents identify if they are helicopter parents, and how can they change?
honest with yourself it hard. Because when you are being very careful,
you just see yourself as doing right by your child and anything less is
simply playing with your child's life and being irresponsible. But if
you are thinking about your child's allergies most of the time and think
of allergies when you think of your child, these are two big signs to
stepping back. The very first step to change is accepting that you can
not provide 100% safety to your child and your child's life is not in
your hands. The next step is understanding that your primary role is
to raise a well balanced child.
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